Standard Operating Procedure of Atal Pension Yojana (APY) through CBS Post Offices
1. General
Any individual or existing Swavalamban Yojana subscriber who has completed 18 Years of age and is below 40 Years of Age on the day of applying can open APY account in any authorized CBS Post Office. The contribution for APY will be debited every month (if opted for monthly) or the first month of a quarter (if opted for Qutrly.) or first month of the Half Year (if opted for Half Yearly) from the subscriber Savings Account based on the Standing Instruction provided by the subscriber in APY Subscriber Registration Form. Under the APY, the subscribers would receive the fixed pension from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 per month (Rs. 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000), at the age of 60 years, depending on their contributions. The contributions would vary as per the age of the subscriber on the day of joining APY and the pension amount opted by the subscriber. In addition, Government co-contribution (50% of the total contribution or Rs. 1,000/- per annum, whichever is lower) will be made available for 5 years, i.e., from the Financial year 2015-16 to 2019-20 for the subscribers who join the scheme up to 31st December, 2015 and who are not covered by any Statutory Social Security Schemes and are not Income Tax payers.
1.1 At Post Office Level, following activities are to be undertaken:
Acceptance of Subscriber Registration Application and issuance of acknowledgement.
Capturing of minimum registration details in APY Module.
Handle requests for the subscribers such as Subscriber Details Modification, Issuance of Transaction Statement to the subscriber (based on request received)
Resolve the grievances/queries of the subscribers, if any
1.2 At Nodal Office Level, following activities are to be undertaken:
Download of PRAN Library from CRA system and updating in APY Module
Preparation &Upload of Subscriber Registration details in the CRA system
Receiving Response File from CRA system for Subscriber Registration
Upload Subscriber Contribution File (SCF) in the CRA system
Remit the contribution amount to the Trustee Bank as per the SCF uploaded in the CRA system
(For APY, Sansad Marg HO of Delhi Circle will be the Nodal Office)
2. Activities to be carried out at authorized CBS Post Offices.
2.1 CBS Post Offices are being registered as NLCC for accepting subscription to APY. In first phase, all CBS HOs are being registered and list of CBS HOs with their NLCC number has already been sent to circles over mail from Director CBS. This will be extended to CBS SOs and then BOs under CBS Hos and SOs in a phased manner. Therefore, any Savings Account standing at any CBS SO or HO will be eligible for subscribing in APY but registration can be accepted only at authorized CBS HOs having NLCC number. For the time being, Accounts standing at BOs attached to CBS HOs and SOs should not be accepted for APY. SOP for handling Accounts standing at BOs attached to CBS SOs and HOs will be circulated separately.
2.2 Any Postal Official (including GDS attached to any CBS HO or SO) can pursue either a depositor having Savings Account in any EDBO/SO/HO migrated to CBS Platform or any Indian Citizen who is ready to open a Savings Account in any such post office which is migrated to CBS, to fill Atal Pension Yojana (APY) Subscriber Registration Form to get Guaranteed Pension after attaining age of 60 Year by paying Monthly/quarterly/half Yearly contribution as given in the attached table. Any existing Swavalamban Yojana Subscriber can also apply for APY registration on the prescribed form for Swalamban Yojana Subscriber. GDS who have already enrolled for Swalamban Yojana and are in the age bracket of 18-40 years should be encouraged to join APY as there is no guaranteed Pension in Swavalamban Yojana but in APY, Pension if guaranteed. Already deposited amount in Swavalamban Yojana will be automatically transferred to APY PRAN Account.
2.3 It has to be ensured that the Savings Account holder or Indian Citizen who wants to open new savings account for this purpose has already completed 18 Years of Age but not yet completed 40 years of Age (as per Date of Birth mentioned in any of the KYC Documents showing date of birth). The Account Holder has the option to select Pension Amount of his/her choice between Rs.1000/-, 2000/-, 3000/-, 4000/- and 5000/- per month. Contribution amount (monthly/Qtrly/Half Yearly) can be seen from the attached table.
2.4 First Contribution amount (as per table) will be deducted from the Savings Account Balance on the day of successful registration. For, subsequent contribution, the Savings Account Holder should be pursued to maintain balance (minimum balance+ Contribution amount as per table) in his/her Savings Account on any working day of the month (if contribution is to be deducted monthly) or any working day of the first month of a quarter i.e January or April or July or October ( if contribution is to be deducted quarterly) or any working day of the first month of a Half Year i.e January or July (if contribution is to be deducted Half Yearly). If sufficient balance will not be available in Savings Account in the required month, penalty fee will (@Rs.1/- per Rs.100/- contribution per month) will be added to the amount of contribution be charged and deducted from the Savings Account.
2.5. Postal Official (including GDS) who collects APY Subscriber Registration Form has to ensure that the depositor is above 18 Years and below 40 Years of age and has filled all fields with * mark. The official will fill his/her own details in the Form at “ To be filled by the official who collects form” part of the form and sign to become eligible for incentive. Incentive will be payable only on the successful registration of the subscriber.
2.6 When any POSB Account Holder or new customer attends post office either directly or through any messenger, Counter PA has to very carefully examine the Subscriber Registration Form and see that all the mandatory fields are filled by the depositor/customer. If Form is received through a Postal Official who has already filled details for becoming eligible for incentive, the Counter PA or BPM has to countersign the Form with name, designation, office of posting and HO from where pay is drawn to become eligible for incentive of their part.